杂记本 – 来自各处的话

There’s no time like the present. we also enjoy Good Times, Snack Times, Bed Times, and of course, Free Times.


From the unreal lead me to the Real,

From the darkness lead me to the Light,

From death lead me to Immortality.


From delusion lead me to truth,

From darkness lead me to light,

From death lead me to immortality.


Saligia 是七个拉丁文单词首字母缩写的集合 :superbia,avaritia,luxuria,invidia,gula,ira 和acedia 。

La patience est amère, mais ses fruits sont doux.

忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜的。(来自stcn 寒风,具体来源http s://ste am cn.c om/t300584-1-1)



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